Weather forecast for July 31, 2024 in San Jose, California

On our website you will find weather forecast for July 31, 2024 in San Jose

July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Weather Clouds (few clouds)
Temperature 82° (82° — 95°)
Feels like 83°
Pressure 984 hPa (984 mb)
Humidity 48%
Clouds 20%
Wind 7 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 73° (73° — 86°)
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 64%
Clouds 53%
Wind 4 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 63° (63° — 66°)
Pressure 986 hPa (986 mb)
Humidity 81%
Clouds 69%
Wind 2 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Weather Clouds (broken clouds)
Temperature 61° (60° — 61°)
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 86%
Clouds 67%
Wind 2 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Weather Clouds (overcast clouds)
Temperature 62° (61° — 62°)
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 85%
Clouds 100%
Wind 2 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Weather Clouds (scattered clouds)
Temperature 64° (62° — 64°)
Pressure 986 hPa (986 mb)
Humidity 81%
Clouds 27%
Wind 4 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM

Weather Clouds (few clouds)
Temperature 76° (72° — 76°)
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 59%
Clouds 15%
Wind 9 mph
July 31, 2024 in San Jose

Clouds from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Weather Clouds (few clouds)
Temperature 80° (80° — 81°)
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 52%
Clouds 14%
Wind 12 mph