A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose, California

On our website you will find full information about A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose at 1855 O'Toole Avenue

Based on 2 reviews

Moving companies in San Jose

Contacts of A-Fasttran Moving Inc

ZIP 95131

Locality San Jose

Address 1855 O'Toole Avenue

Phone +1 408-433-3388

Update information

The location map and directions to A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 37.3845430, longitude -121.9061780. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [37.3845430,-121.9061780] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of A-Fasttran Moving Inc

Hired them to do a move from Burlingame to SF. They moved everything, we needed, and got it done quick. The two dudes moving our stuff were very nice. There was a bit of confusion with the dispatcher though about needing more people, but it ended up being just a mix-up (or so they say). Either way, 4/5, would recommend and use again. They did the job well, and were very professional about it - and was able to get the move done in relatively short notice. The only downside is that they were a bit aggressive of getting tips in the end. We tipped them $80, and they wanted $100. But either way, they did such a good job I didn't mind tipping in the end. And when compared to other movers, their rate was a bit cheaper, so the tip made up for it in the end. Our move was $40 in gas, and $70/hr for 2 people. The move took 7 hours, with tip it ended up being $610ish. Which wasn't bad, as they moved 2 bedrooms with a lot of furniture and boxes, and also a living room! Literally called the day before!!
March 20, 2022 4:28 AM, Raina Streich DVM
Having read the reviews on this moving company I decided to write one of my own, or I wouldn't be doing them justice. I have used their service for the past 6 years with 8 moves (mind me I am like a gypsy, lol). They NEVER disappoint me. With that said, I think I also understand what some of the reviewers were complaining about. Here's why I keep coming back to them when it's time for me to move again: 1. They always came promptly on the day of move. I prefer to move 1st thing in the morning , so have asked them to come at 8 am and 9 am at various times. I would always stress to the guy taking the appointment that they have to show up on time as this move cannot be delayed. And on the day before the move I always called to confirm the appointment on the following day and stress again that they have to show up on time. 2. Yes this is a company owned and run by some Chinese and the guys who come to move stuff speak little, if any, English. I speak the language so that's not a problem for me. But the guy who answers the phone should understand some basic English. If you explained showly to him and ask him to make sure the movers understand, the movers come with a work order with the boss's notes. These workers work really hard and are very careful and efficient at moving stuff. They can finish moving within 2-3 hours what other movers may take 5-6 hours to do! In the past 6 years of my 8 moves, I have not had anything broken or missing from their moves. So in addition to the lower hourly rate, their efficiency is also a reason I kept coming back to them, and that also translates into lower cost to you as their charge is based on number of hours taken, multiplied by the amount of their hourly rate. If I did not have their help to move, the 8 moves of the past 6 years would have cost me a fortune!! 3. As to tip, I always made sure I gave the two guys a big tip as they did work really hard, non-stop in order to save you time and money. They don't waste any time as soon as they arrive, they start moving things along. And sometimes for moving up or downstairs, or to a storage where my unit is far away from the elevator, they have to work extra hard to complete the job. They still took no break and just quietly did the work. For all of the above I think they deserve to be tipped well. If you are cheap on the tip, sure, they will complain. Just please try to be fair as these people are working their "you-know-what" off just barely to make ends meet here. They were happy when I tipped them well and were never "nasty" to me, like some people complained in their review. Given the above, I am going to continue using them for my future moves as well.
August 26, 2022 11:43 PM, Marvin Beahan

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All reviews about A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about A-Fasttran Moving Inc will be useful for you! At the moment, 2 reviews have been left about A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose and the average rating on reviews is 4.5 out of 5

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Working hours of A-Fasttran Moving Inc

08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;
08:00am — 08:00pm;

The opening hours of A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose may differ from those presented, we recommend that you check the exact opening hours for today or tomorrow directly at A-Fasttran Moving Inc before visiting

Information about A-Fasttran Moving Inc

Added at September 22, 2022
12:54 AM
Updated at September 22, 2022
12:54 AM
Users rating 1 12
Count reviews 2
Reviews mark
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ⭒
Latitude 37.3845430
Longitude -121.9061780

1 The A-Fasttran Moving Inc user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about A-Fasttran Moving Inc in San Jose

A-Fasttran Moving Inc company is located in San Jose, at the address: 95131, 1855 O'Toole Avenue.

You can always call A-Fasttran Moving Inc and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 408-433-3388.

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